Low cost proof checking for students

We appreciate and respect the difficulty of writing a formal piece of academic work in what may be the author's second language.
► We can ensure that your written assignment, dissertation or thesis is word-perfect.
► We proof read your work and check that your text is free from presentation, spelling and grammatical errors.
► Our proof checking service is aimed at the needs of students, both in what we do and what we cost.
Send your work to us for proof reading and we will ensure that valuable marks are not deducted for poor grammar, punctuation or spelling.
Go to our What we do page for further details.
How we workYour work passes between us via e-mail.
Our amendments are made using track changes within the Word software. As each chapter is completed, it is returned to you to give you more time to review the changes. We text you to let you know your completed work has been returned. Work is returned at a speed to match your needs and budget. Further details appear on our How we work.page. |
How we helpWe specialise in helping overseas students to express their ideas clearly in written English.
We will ensure you do not submit work containing spelling and grammatical errors. Work will be presented so that it is easily understood, ensuring that marks are not deducted. |
How we chargeWe are sensitive to the budget difficulties of students
so our charges are set at a low level. We believe that you will want to know in advance what our service will cost. The normal service provided is generally based on return of work no later than 3 working days after receipt. We respond to requests for faster return of work in accordance with our variable scale of charges. For our comprehensive pricing guide, please go to our Costs.page. |